This list includes international conference papers delivered since 2007.
Re-visiting English-medium instruction in the light of comprehensive internationalisation: A case forsociocultural competence. 18-21 October 2022. EMI, ICLHE and Englishization: Reflecting on the Changing University, 7th ICLHE Conference, Maastricht, The Netherlands.
(participation in round table): Plurality and singularity: Multilingual policies and specific situated academic actions. ICLHE Symposium, 18-19 October 2018, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain.
(together with Angels Pynana and Sarah Khan, UVic): Establishing a European Quality Network for English-Taught Programmes. 10-12 May 2018, International Conference on Quality of Bilingual Programs in Higher Education, University of Huelva, Huelva, Spain.
(together with Gabrielle Steffen and Dzevaire Sulejmani): Plurilingual teaching/learning resources in bilingual programs at primary schools. 10-12 May 2018, International Conference on Quality of Bilingual Programs in Higher Education, University of Huelva, Huelva, Spain.
Managing the quality of English-medium Instruction (EMI) in Swiss Higher Education. 16-18 March, 2017. Workshop: Quality management of English-taught study programmes: Critical perspectives on research challenges and opportunities. International Conference: “Multilingualism in Society, Politics and Education”, University of Freiburg, Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany (single paper).
(together with Francesco Arcidiacono, HEP-BEJUNE): A critical reflection of professionalization of teacher education in Switzerland: Reflexivity and self in students' scientific writing practices. 28-29 August 2016, Reflective Minds and Communities, EARLI SIG, University of Tartu, Estonia.
(together with Denis Perrin, HEP-BEJUNE): La professionnalisation, entre défi conceptuel et dispositifs de formation à et par la recherche. 20-21 avril 2016, COLLOQUE INTERNATIONAL GOUVERNANCE ET RECHERCHE EN EDUCATION, Institut de recherche et de documentation pédoagique (IRDP), Biel/Bienne.
(together with Curtis Gautschi, ZHAW): The impact of English-medium instruction on tertiary-level educational social spheres. 20-22 January, 2016, Annual Meeting of the Swiss Association for Applied Linguistics (Vals-Asla), Université de Genève.
Do universities really need a language quality seal? Reflections on a needs analysis in Switzerland, ICLHE Conference, 2 - 4 September, Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Belgium (single paper in colloquium: Quality assurance of English medium instruction in higher education: Critical perspectives and potential solutions).
(together with Francesco Arcidiacono, HEP-BEJUNE): Reflexivity and teacher professionalization. An analysis of scientific writing practices, SGBF Kongress 2015: Qualitäts- und Bildungsdiskurs, 29. Juni – 1. Juli 2015, PH St.Gallen.
La professionnalisation - un défi conceptuel, Colloque de CRIFPE, 30 April - 1 May, Université de Montréal, Canada (single paper).
(together with Francesco Arcidiacono, HEP-BEJUNE): La reflexivité dans l’écriture du mémoire. Une piste pour évaluer la qualité de la formation des futurs enseignants, 27ème colloque de l'ADMEE-Europe, 28 - 30 January, Université de Liège, Belgium.
Professional Membership as a Criterion in Grade Reports of Future Teachers’ Bachelor’s Theses, 4th International Conference of Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 10 - 12 September, University of Geneva, Switzerland (snigle paper).
(together with Paul Kelly): Preparing for English-medium instruction in higher education: the role of communicative awareness, 13th International CercleS Conference 4 – 6 September 2014, University of Fribourg, Switzerland.
(together with Francesco Arcidiacono, HEP-BEJUNE): Reflexivity and Self in Scientific Writing Practices: Towards a Professionalization of Teachers’ Education, The Eighth International Conference on the Dialogical Self, 19-22 August 2014, The Hague University of Applied Sciences, The Hague, The Netherlands.
(together with Diego Jannuzzo): Reflexive Praktiken in technischen Studiengängen: Das Lernjournal. Forum Wissenschaftliches Schreiben, ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences, 4 – 6 June 2014.
(together with Barbara Bohr and Annette Verhein): Didaktischer Leitfaden für den Kommunikationsunterricht im "Master of Engineering", Forum Wissenschaftliches Schreiben, ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences, 4 – 6 June 2014.
(together with Paul Kelly): Preparing for English-medium instruction in higher education: the role of communicative awareness, HEPCLIL (Higher Education Perspectives on Content and Language Integrated Learning), University of Vic, 27 – 28 March 2014.
(together with Marcel Eggler): Discourses on professionalization in Teacher Training Colleges in Switzerland: An intertextual analysis of student research papers, Sprachnormen im Kontext. Jahrestagung der Vereinigung Angewandte Linguistik Schweiz, Università della Svizzera italiana, 12.-14 February 2014.
(together with Anne Ribbert and Liana Konstantinidou): Language norms in higher education: students’ perceptions of English as a medium of instruction. Sprachnormen im Kontext. Jahrestagung der Vereinigung Angewandte Linguistik Schweiz, Università della Svizzera italiana, 12.-14 February 2014.
(together with Marcel Eggler): Discourses on professionalization in Teacher Training Colleges in Switzerland: An intertextual analysis of student research papers. 26ème colloque de l’ADMEE EUROPE 15-17 janvier 2014 Marrakech, Maroc (paper in French).
(together with Marcel Eggler): Discourses on professionalization in Teacher Training Colleges in Switzerland: The construction of disciplinary membership in student theses. EAPRIL, Bienne, 27-29 November 2013.
Coping with English in the third-level classroom: negotiating communicative competence. ICLHE 2013 Conference, 10-13 April 2013, Maastricht, The Netherlands (single paper).
(together with Paul Kelly): Internationalisation at which price? English in BSc environmental science at ZHAW (Switzerland). Internationalisation 2012 Conference, University of Central Lancashire, Preston, UK, 19 – 20 July 2012.
(together with Caroline Weinzinger and Sylvia Manchen Spörri): Stilistische und dialogische Betrachtung von Beratungsdiskursen. VALS-ASLA Colloquium (Lausanne 1-3 February 2012).
Positioning in transnational ELF settings: a case study of a senior lecturers' meeting. Sociolinguistics Symposium 18, 1-3 September 2010, Southampton, UK (single paper).
(together with Mi-Cha Flubacher, University of Bern): Internationalisierung und die sprachliche Transformation einer Hochschule. Die Einführung des EMI-Unterrichts, VALS-ASLA, 4-6 February 2010.
Encounters with language: perspectives and positioning in spontaneous discourses on multilingualism, 10th Nordic Conference on Bilingualism, University of Tartu, Estonia, 27-29 October (single paper).
From opposition to contradiction: ideological conceptualisations of language as an object of policy-making in workshop ‘Ideological conceptions of language in discourses of multilingualism.’ SLE 2009 (Societas Linguistica Europaea), 9-12 September 2009 (single paper).
(together with Sabine Egger, Anna Dillon, University of Limerick, and Paul Kelly, ZHAW): CLIL in higher education: a cross-cultural perspective, LPLL 2009 (Language Policy and Language Learning, University of Limerick, Ireland), 18-20 June 2009.
(together with Annabarbara Pelli-Ehrensperger): Mehrsprachige Lehr-Lernkonstellationen: zum Transferpotential innovativer Praxismodelle und theoretischer Konzepte von der Primar- und Sekundarstufe auf die Hochschulstufe, Annual Conference VALS-ASLA (Swiss Association of Applied Linguistics), 10 March 2009.
(together with Mi-Cha Flubacher and Felicia Kreiselmaier): Multilingualism: Challenges and Opportunities. AILA2008 (15th World Congress of Applied Linguistics), Essen (Germany), 24-29 August 2008.
(together with Mi-Cha Flubacher and Felicia Kreiselmaier): Language Policy-Planning and the Interactive Turn. Congress of Linguists 18, Seoul, Korea, July 21-26, 2008 (Workshop of Bernard Spolsky).
(together with Marcel Eggler): Ressourcen und Prozeduren zur Bewältigung von widersprüchlichen diskursiven Situationen. 5. Tage der Linguistik, 20-21 November 2008, Winterthur, Switzerland.
Triggering Experiences and Stylistic Change: Analysing the ZEN Corpus, CHINED II (Zurich), 31 August – 1 September 2007. (single paper)
(together with (together with Mi-Cha Flubacher and Felicia Kreiselmaier): Language Planning and Policy: Methodological Considerations, Political Linguistics, Warsaw (Poland), 13 – 15 September 2007.
Unity in Diversity - Attitudes and Negotiation in Discourses on Multilingualism in the EU, IN / DIFFERENCE: Current and Historical Perspectives on Cultures in Contact. A conference of the Royal Irish Academy Committee for Modern Language, Literary and Cultural Studies (Ireland), University of Limerick, 9-10 November 2007. (single paper).
© Patrick Studer (2017-2024)