
I sometimes get invited to speak on topics or give workshops related to my research. Below is an incomplete list of appearances as invited speaker. 


Invited keynote presentation entitled Getting Started: The What, How and Why of Virtual Exchange / COIL. Expanding perspectives: Virtual Exchange and COIL international teaching and learning. INUAS Coil Days. FH Campus Wien University of Applied Sciences, Vienna, 6-7 June 2024.


Invited keynote presentation and panel discussion entitled ICLHE in an age of English hegemony: opportunities and challenges in an African context. First International Blended Conference on Integrating Content and English Language Blended Instruction in Algerian Higher Education: Paradigms, Issues and Perspectives. Oran, Algeria, 27-28 November 2023.

Invited lecture series and workshops English-medium instruction in the EU (together with Paul Kelly). Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan, 6-10 March 2023. (five lectures and workshops)

Invited workshop entitled A fresh look at global competences in our degree programmes (together with Jacqueline Bürki & Sandra McGury), Switzerland’s multicultural society: an opportunity, a challenge or both? IRUAS, Winterthur, Switzerland, 26-27 January 2023. 

Invited presentation entitled Swiss Global Competence Lab (together with Jacqueline Bürki). Bologna‐Tag 2022: Internationalisierung ganzheitlich umgesetzt, OEAD, Vienna, 16 May 2022.

Invited lecture series entitled English-medium instruction (together with Paul Kelly). Rikkyo University, Tokyo, Japan, 3-4 March 2022. (four online lectures)


Invited webinar entitled Developing professional support and assessment programmes for English-medium curricula in Higher Education. Interview by Prof. Ute Smit. ICLHE Webinar. Thursday, November 18, 2021.

Invited workshop entitled Teaching international mindset, preparing students for tomorrow, International Evening (ZHAW International Office), 8 November 2021.

Invited keynote speech entitled Internationalization, quality and multilingualism in higher education: A troublesome relationship. International Symposium Internationalisation and Intercultural Competence in Higher Education: Quality and Innovation, University of Vic, Spain, 4-5 March 2021.


Invited workshop entitled More inclusion through cooperation. Workshop at the Movetia Annual Higher Education Event 2019, Lugano, 21-22 November 2019.


Invited lecture entitled EMI in the age of comprehensive internationalisation: New opportunities? Autumn Lecture Series, MA Programme in Foreign Language Didactics, University of Fribourg, Switzerland, 20 November 2017.

Invited lecture entitled English in the internationalised higher education classroom: Defining competence standards, Department of English, University of Vienna (Prof. Dr. Ute Smit), Austria, 27 October 2017. (Invited guest lecture)

Invited lecture entitled EMI in the age of comprehensive internationalisation: New opportunities? International Week, University of Vic (Spain), 1 July 2017.


Invited lecture entitled Wie können wir Qualität in der englischsprachigen Lehre definieren? Workshop "Qualitätsstandards in der englischsprachigen Lehre" Tag des Lehrens und Lernens, Universität Freiburg, 18.11.2016.


Invited workshop entitled It’s not just a matter of translating your slides! A look at important aspects of EMI, Centro Linguistico di Ateneo, Università degli Studi di Padova, Italy, 10 April 2015.


«Gesunder Menschenverstand reicht (nicht) aus» – Gedanken zur Entwicklung von Sprachkompetenz an der Fachhochschule, Inauguration Speech. Wednesday, 4 December 2013. ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences).


Invited resource person at PhD Training Institute in Multilingualism Research, June 18-22, 2012, Univerzita Karlova v Praze (Charles University in Prague), Thematic Area: Language and Economy.


Invited lecture entitled English as a medium of instruction in higher education in Switzerland: outlining the problem, Research Networking Workshop, University of Luxembourg (Prof. Dr. Peter Gilles),15 February 2011.


Invited workshop entitled English as a medium of instruction in Swiss higher education, Event Weltoffen, Zurich Univ. of Applied Sciences (ZHAW International Office, Dr. Frank Wittmann), 4 November 2010.

Invited workshop entitled English as a medium of instruction in Swiss higher education, IRUAS Conference Intercultural Competences, HTW Chur, Switzerland, 2-3 December 2010.


Invited lecture entitled Towards a theory of language policyplanning: representations, concepts and contradictions, Department of Linguistics, Charles University Prague (Prof. Dr. Jiri Nekvapil), 2 February 2009.


Invited lecture entitled Contradictions and Discrepancies in Discourses on Multilingualism in the EU, Symposium on Language and Identity, University of Rostock (English Department, Prof. Dr. Birte Bös), 28 June 2008.

Invited lecture entitled Spontaneous Speech in Discourses on Linguistic Diversity: Contradictions, Attitudes and Subject Positioning, Séminaire Linguistique de l'acquisition: les enjeux du plurilinguisme pour le monde de la science, University of Lausanne (Department of General Linguistics, Prof. Dr. Anne-Claude Berthoud), 7 November 2008.